• Offices in:Oldham, Chadderton, Royton, Manchester

  • 0161 505 0635Free Consultation

  • 9:00 - 17:00Weekend Closed



Debt recovery through the County Court

We appreciate that the fees involved in debt recovery are important to you. We review our fees on a regular basis, considering client feedback, to ensure that we continue to offer a cost-effective debt recovery service. Our fees mentioned below for each stage of the process are for an undisputed business-to-business debt. We typically work on a fixed fee basis, so that from the outset you know what the fees will be for each stage of the matter.

These costs apply where your claim relates to an unpaid invoice or invoices that are not disputed and enforcement action is not needed. If the other party disputes your claim at any point, we will discuss any further work required and provide you with revised information about costs, which might be on a fixed fee or an hourly rate. The fixed fees set out below do not include giving you any advice about your claim.

Initial stage/stage 1

Pre-action letter

Fixed fee for a business to business (limited company) debt that is undisputed: £134 (excl. vat)

Fixed fee for a business to business (non-limited company per individual) debt that is undisputed: £134 (excl. vat)

Issue Court Proceedings/Stage 2

Debt Value

Court FeeOur Fee (incl. VAT)Total

Up to £300.00



£300.01 – £500.00£50.00£147.00£197.00
£500.01 – £1,000.00£70.00£185.00£255.00
£1,000.01 – £1,500.00£80.00£195.00£275.00
£1,500.01 – £3,000.00£115.00£225.00£340.00
£3,000.01 – £5,000.00£205.00 £285.00£490.00
£5,000.01 – £10,000.00£455.00£375.00£830.00
£10,000.01 -­ £200,000.00         5% value of the claim



Judgement in Default/Stage 3 (No Defence filed by other party):

Filing the necessary form with the court   £50.00 plus vat.

Our fees include the following activities:

  • taking your instructions and reviewing documentation

  • undertaking appropriate searches

  • sending a letter before action

  • receiving and forwarding payment to you, or if the debt is not paid, drafting and issuing a claim

  • Where no acknowledgment of service or defence is received, applying to the court to enter judgement in default

  • When judgement in default is received, writing to the other side to request payment

  • if payment is not received within 14 days, providing you with advice on next steps and likely costs

If you proceed with a claim, please note other Costs

  • the VAT element of our fee cannot be reclaimed from your debtor

  • the costs quoted above are not for matters where enforcement action (such as the bailiff) is needed to collect your debt

Disbursements are costs payable to third parties, such as court fees. We handle the payment of disbursements on your behalf to ensure a smoother process but we do require you to pay us for the disbursements in advance.

If the case becomes disputed, fixed fees will no longer apply. The hourly rate that the firm will charge depends mostly on the level of expertise required to undertake the work. The hourly rate ranges from £134 to £233 (excl. VAT). The full details of individuals’ charge rates are included in the confirmation of instructions that are sent to you following instructions by you. Cases are charged at an hourly rate on a time recorded basis. It is difficult to estimate how many hours of work will be necessary to complete the matter until the facts of the case are discussed with you. Once we have an accurate assessment of the level of work involved, we will provide a cost estimate on an individual basis. If you will be instructing us regularly or in bulk, please speak to us to discuss fees.


Matters usually take 8 to 12 weeks from receipt of your instructions to judgement being entered.

The above is an approximation of the timescales involved. However, there are a number of factors that can impact timescales, such as how quickly the court can process the paperwork, if the debt files a defence to the claim, and whether the parties require more time for negotiation.

Please do not hesitate to contact a member of our team who will be happy to discuss the various fee options available to you.


Please call us today, allow us to help you to resolve your issues. All initial calls are free. Please call us now on 0161 5050635 or complete a free online enquiry form and a member of the team will contact you on the number and time provided.

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